Friday, February 24, 2017

Reading through John

Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent—and I’m not giving anything up. Nope. This year I’m adding something, instead. I’m going to read through the Gospel of John, a little bit each day, finishing it by the end of Lent’s 40 days. I hope that you will read along with me. 

And here’s why:

1.      I believe reading Scripture is better done together. (That thought isn’t original to me, by the way.) I’ve set up a Facebook group “Reading through John” so that we can share our thoughts on our reading and gently hold one another accountable to the task. John’s Gospel can be challenging. I will need encouragement and a little cheerleading. Maybe you will, too.

2.      I believe that John’s Gospel gives us one of Scripture’s clearest pictures of the radiant heart of God. The book begins in the glory of light coming into the world and finishes with life lived in the name of Jesus. I need that right now. Maybe you do, too.

3.      I believe that God wants to use this precious time of Lent to speak to me and to each one of us. There’s a lot of noise in our world right now, a constant drumbeat of outrage, each beat more outrageous and demanding more of our attention than the last. Taking a half hour out each day to sink into some of the most beautiful language in the English language will be good for me. Maybe it will be for you, too.

4.      I believe that God wants to equip me for the work that lies ahead of me and each one who claims to follow Jesus. There is much to be outraged about, much to grieve, much to ponder, much to do. John’s gospel acknowledges that the world is hostile to the light of God, that darkness is powerful and pervasive. I need to hear that word, the word of grace, the Word made flesh. I need to catch a glimpse of the light that darkness cannot overcome. Maybe you do, too.

If this sounds good to you, I hope that you will give it a try and join me in reading through the Gospel of John during the 40 days of Lent. Invite your friends, too, both near and far to be part of our Lenten journey through the magic and wonder of the internet! Remember…find us on Facebook at “Reading through John.” Request an invite – and you’ll be in.

If you want to participate, but need some help, shoot me an email at

Week 1 reading (below) begins on Ash Wednesday, March 1. (Daily Readings will also be posted on Facebook.)

March 1: John 1:1-18
March 2: John 1:19-34
March 3: John 1:35-51
March 4: John 2:1-12
March 5: John 2:13-25

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